On the Way to


A small book about our big problems

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About the mini-book

This mini-book draws some historical lines in contrast to the challenges and problems of the present.

At the same time, it provides deeper insight into the causes of the challenges we face today, which we need to understand if we are to move forward as a society.

Most importantly, it offers a roadmap for how we can solve our problems and the potential we humans have within us to transform society toward a world we would today call Utopia.

Henning Jon Grini

was born in Bergen, Norway in 1966. All his adult life he has been concerned with the big questions in life. He is socially engaged, and have started several businesses with the intention of contributing to the planet’s best, as well as lifting the human consciousness to a higher level. He has, among other things, founded, run and been an editor for the Norwegian magazine and publisher «Ildsjelen» (now Harmoni) for 12 years. Currently, he founded the organization Gaiainnovations. He writes regularly in magazines and some of the biggest newspapers in Norway.He has his own website (Norwegian only):

Download a high-resolution photo of the author here. Photo: Jarle Kavli Jørgensen.

About the book

On the Way to UTOPIA
A small book about our big problems

Author: Henning Jon Grini

Pages: 13

Publication: September 2024

Cover: Download high-resolution cover

What is meant by Utopia, and is such a society realistic?

Utopia is the opposite of dystopia, which describes a nightmarish society. One of the reasons why dystopian books, movies, and series are so popular is the excitement and drama they portray. The genre also serves as a warning of what can happen if we do not change course as a society.

The unfortunate aspect of dystopian portrayals is that they draw attention toward negativity. What we focus on gets amplified. How we imagine the future helps shape it. There are far fewer portrayals of utopian visions, but there should be more. This mini-book is a small contribution to reversing that trend.

Some interpret utopia as something unrealistic. It’s worth noting that people from the past would likely view the present as utopian, at least if they saw the best of what we have to offer.

However, we still have a long way to go to create a peaceful and prosperous society for all. The Utopia we long for today will, in the not-too-distant future, become a reality. This book is about the journey toward that future.

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