Message from the future

In the future that the book describes, life is brighter, nature cleaner, and our problems mostly solved.
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Humanity is struggling with so many serious problems, and many countries like America is going through a tough time. We need optimism and hope, something to look forward to, something that shows another future, a more enlightened future. What we visualize is especially important, if we only focus on a dystopian future (as so many do), we will sooner or later manifest it. On the other hand, if we focus on a positive, more pleasant future, that is what we will manifest.
This science fiction book is not about a dystopian future where humans have to fight for survival. Quite the contrary, it is about a bright future where we have managed to overcome most of our problems. It will show the unity, strength, love, and potential of man.
The reader is invited on a journey into the future and gets to experience what life is like there. The main character gets to know a woman, and feelings arise between them. Together, they explore society and have numerous conversations about the difference between our society and theirs. There will be a trip to a space station, down into an underwater research station, and not least meeting with our cosmic friends at the end of the book.
The world the protagonist encounters has a far more loving and positive approach to life. The book is free from murder, crime, intrigue, fear and other misery. However, it contains imagination, good experiences and a lot of optimism and hope.

Henning Jon Grini
was born in Bergen, Norway in 1966. All his adult life he has been concerned with the big questions in life. He is socially engaged, and have started several businesses with the intention of contributing to the planet’s best, as well as lifting the human consciousness to a higher level. He has, among other things, founded, run and been an editor for the Norwegian magazine and publisher «Ildsjelen» (now Harmoni) for 12 years. Currently, he founded the organization Gaiainnovations. He writes regularly in magazines and some of the biggest newspapers in Norway.He has his own website (Norwegian only):
Download a high-resolution photo of the author here. Photo: Jarle Kavli Jørgensen.
Reviews from Norwegian readers
Fantastic book! I have read it now and could not stop. Incredibly beautiful and uplifting reading.
I highly recommend it! Very inspiring, fun and thought-provoking. Feel like moving there!
Finally a science fiction book that describes a positive future!
I enjoyed every minute!
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This book is an attempt to describe the future how it might become if we take the right decisions today.
Utopia is considered unrealistic in its time, but history shows us that what was once utopian has now become a reality.
Title: Message from the future:
Author: Henning Jon Grini
Pages: 132
Publication: 2021
Cover: Download high-resolution cover