Can We Evolve Beyond Evolution? We Have To

Can We Evolve Beyond Evolution? We Have To

By Deepak Chopra

At the very moment when our planet is well into an ecological crisis, human beings need to evolve with the conscious purpose of setting aside our selfish impulses and start acting for the survival of all living things. I don’t think I’ve made a radical statement–almost anyone who takes climate change seriously would agree. But there’s a sticking point, which is evolution itself. The standard Darwinian position, which is universally taught in biology classes, is entirely mechanical and without purpose.

My point is that we need to evolve beyond evolutionary theory. The mechanistic processes that underlie it are a useful model created by the human mind and nothing more. It’s high time we abandoned a model that views Nature as without meaning or purpose when we humans stand as glaring exceptions, being driven by meaning and purpose and unable to survive when these are stripped from us.

To evolve beyond evolutionary theory means accepting the following propositions:

— The reality we accept is a human construct.

— Its building blocks are experience, perception, feelings, and thoughts. these exist entirely in consciousness.

— We should see ourselves as conscious creators who imbue reality with our own purposes. Instead, we build models, become comfortable with them, and eventually forget that they are simply thought-models, not reality.

— In fact, we have no idea what thoughts actually are or where they come from. No one has the ability to predict his next thought.

— Science is a way of thinking. It has no privileged position beyond other methods of thought, because science is just as blind to what thought actually is as any other mind-created model.

— We only know that we are conscious, and until we follow this knowledge until it leads us to the source of consciousness, anything else we claim to know is suspect.

Read the whole article by Deepak Chopra in

How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society

How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society

If we had an out-of-body experience (OBE) what would it bring to our lives? Motivated by her own personal experiences and her research of thousands of individuals who had similar phenomena, Nanci Trivellato, MSc in psychology and consciousness researcher, discusses the possible positive effects of OBEs for personal development and its ripples for society.

Nanci Trivellato, MSc in psychology, is an author, lecturer, and personal development coach who dedicates her career to consciousness research. Nanci is also a charter member of the International Academy of Consciousness and the Institute of Applied Consciousness Technologies.

This information comes from YouTube.

The International Academy of Consciousness give out a free book on this subject discussed in the TEDx talk.



In popular movies the subject of out-of-body experience is sometimes touched like in Doctor Strange:

Darwin’s Touch: Survival of the Kindest

Darwin’s Touch: Survival of the Kindest

Think of Darwin and “survival of the fittest” leaps to mind, as do images of competitive individuals — collections of selfish genes — going at one another bloody in tooth and claw. “Survival of the fittest” was not Darwin’s phrase, but Herbert Spencer’s and that of Social Darwinists who used Darwin to justify their wished-for superiority of different classes and races. “Survival of the kindest” better captures Darwin’s thinking about his own kind.

In Darwin’s first book about humans, The Descent of Man, and Selection In Relation to Sex from 1871, Darwin argued for “the greater strength of the social or maternal instincts than that of any other instinct or motive.” His reasoning was disarmingly intuitive: in our hominid predecessors, communities of more sympathetic individuals were more successful in raising healthier offspring to the age of viability and reproduction — the sine qua non of evolution…

Read the whole article by Dacher Keltner in Psychology Today.

Watch the short YouTube video: We Are Built To Be Kind

Or a longer one: Dacher Keltner – Survival of the Kindest

Marianne Williamson: Stand Up, Speak Out!

Marianne Williamson: Stand Up, Speak Out!

Stand Up, Speak Out!: Marianne Williamson at TEDxTraverseCity

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose & Bill Maher. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1.

If you want to hear more of Marianne this longer video is recommended:
Marianne Williamson on Consciousness, Spirituality, and Politics in America at Harvard Divinity School.

For more information about Marianne Williamson go to her website.


Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion

Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion

Rupert Sheldrake gave a talk at TEDx witch they called provocative. The talk was later taken down by TED and placed in a special corner of their website. We at GaiaInnovation do not regard this talk as provocative. On the contrary we support Rupert Sheldrake’s and his worldview. In our view he represent the new worldview we as a species have to adapt to sustain life on this planet in the future.

Abouth the talk from the website of TED
At TEDxWhitechapel on January 13, 2013, Rupert Sheldrake gave a provocative talk in which he suggests that modern science is based on ten dogmas, and makes the case that none of them hold up to scrutiny. According to him, these dogmas — including, for example, that nature is mechanical and purposeless, that the laws and constants of nature are fixed, and that psychic phenomena like telepathy are impossible — have held back the pursuit of knowledge.

You can read the debate about Rupert Sheldrake’s talk on the website of TED.

For more information about Rupert Sheldrake visit his website.


«A revolution is what’s called for here»

«A revolution is what’s called for here»

By Neale Donald Walsch

There are those who thought that on The Big Day, December 21, 2012, the world would end. It did not. Indeed, little has changed, and that is the greatest sadness. After all the hype and all the hope, little seems to have changed. It is still true that the life we have created for ourselves on this earth is not working.

Not one of the systems we have put into place in our world is functional—not the political, not the economical, not the ecological, not the educational, not the social, and not the spiritual. None of them are producing the outcomes we say we want. In fact, it’s worse. They are producing the outcomes we say we don’t want.

Personal happiness seems mysteriously and frustratingly elusive. Even when people achieve it, they can’t hold onto it. That is the greatest clue, the biggest hint, the surest sign that something’s amiss.

When even those who should be happy by any reasonable measure are also not happy, there’s got to be a serious systemic problem in humanity’s culture. You know that the formula is askew when even if the formula is working, it’s not; when even if everything’s going right, something is wrong.

What is wrong here? Do we dare to ask?…

Read the whole article in Origin Magazine.
You can read the article as a PDF.
Another article of Walsch in Origin called Overcoming Separation Theology can be read here.

For more information about Neale Donald Walsch go to his website

What if it were true that we are all one?

What if it were true that we are all one?

By Neale Donald Walsch

I consider no message more important to the future of humanity, and therefore to the teaching of our children, than the four-word statement that the world was given in the first chapter of the first book in the 3,000+ page Conversations with God series…
We are all one.

But what does We Are All One mean?
To me the CWG message that We Are All One means exactly what it says. The conversation elaborates, telling us that “All Things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing there is.”

This means that we are One with each other, One with all of Life, and One with God. There is no other way to interpret it, as I see it.

CWG is telling us that you are me and I am you; that we are part and parcel of Everything. We are intermingled as differing energy forms in a Larger Form that includes All That Is. And so, we are not only One with each other, but One with the Earth and every living thing upon it. One, as well, with the Universe. And, as I’ve already said, One with that Divine Essence that we call God.

The implications of this for the human race are staggering. If we believed this was true, everything in our lives would change. Everything in our religions, in our politics, in our economics, in our education, and in our social constructions. And everything in our personal lives as well…

Read the whole article by Neale Donald Walsch in The Global Conversation.

A Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard

A Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard

In 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and the world caught its breath. This pivotal event deeply impacted the young Barbara Marx Hubbard, who found herself asking President Eisenhower, “What is the meaning of our power that is good”? Barbara’s 40+ year inquiry, and the answers she has found, offer invaluable assistance to us all at this time in our history. Despite the state of the world, we are truly on the threshold of great possibility, of our own conscious evolution.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution…” by Deepak Chopra. She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book The Mother of Invention. And many would agree she is the global ambassador for conscious change.

At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation…

Read the whole interview by Karen Larré, Mary Anne Weaver and Gary McFarland in Truly Alive Magazine.

For more information about Barbara Marx Hubbard go to her website

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