As TV2’s video “All That We Share” opens, Danes file quietly onto a soundstage, stepping into outlined areas on the floor — areas meant to define them. “The High Earners” versus “Those Just Getting By.” “Those We Trust” versus “Those We Try To Avoid.” Lifelong Danes, versus those new to Denmark. Divisions you will find not just in Denmark, but in any country on Earth.
However, a man begins to ask questions:
“Who in this room was the class clown?”
“Who are stepparents?”
“How many of you love to dance?”
Quickly, the “Us versus Them” narrative falls apart. People begin to step out of their so-called defining boxes…
How Morocco Is Harnessing Solar Power To Achieve Energy Independence
Morocco’s Noor Project is eventually expected to reduce carbon emissions by 760,000 tons per year.
Morocco is on the way to dramatically cutting its dependence on imported oil after successfully launching Noor 1 — the first phase of what will eventually become the world’s largest concentrated solar plant.
The country has historically relied almost entirely on imports from abroad for its energy. Now it has found a way to transform its abundance of sunlight into an economic asset.
When the project is completed in 2018, it’s expected to reduce Morocco’s fossil fuel reliance by two and a half million tons of oil and provide enough leftover energy to export to Europe…
Decades ago, famed Australian ocean experts and cinematographers Valerie Taylor and her husband Ron began swimming the oceans, studying marine life.
Ron captured hours of footage of Valerie sharing special bonds with different aquatic species, but one of the more incredible moments was her unique relationship with a spotted moral eel named Honey.
When the two first met in 1974 at Honey’s home near Banda Island, Indonesia, the eel was very timid around Valerie.
But after a few years, something changed.
“She didn’t just come out. She swam around me, she swam between my legs, she nuzzled my face, and I thought this is amazing,” Valerie says in the video posted by the Central Florida Aquarium Society. “And after that, we have been great friends, and now when she sees me coming… and I might not see her for a year (once I didn’t see her for three years!), this thing comes out across the sand, and comes over to me and hugs and loves… there is no doubt in my mind that eel really likes me.”…