Tomorrowland – a large music festival and a global happening
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Tomorrowland is a large music festival held in Belgium. Tomorrowland has been organized since 2005 and has become one of the most notable global music festivals.
Tomorrowland has transformed a local playground into a global happening; a dream world where all visitors recognize themselves; a multi-level fairy tale; a soft-edged fantasy world full of radiant colors and shapes; a trip for your imagination; a summer’s weekend of love.
We are…
..the People of Tomorrow. We believe in enjoying life to the fullest without having to compromise everything. We are responsible for the generation of tomorrow and respect each other and Mother Nature. Respect, Health, Nature, Responsibility and Innovation are the five circles of Love Tomorrow. The Heart is the inner circle, representing passion, love and respect.
We believe…
in a commitment to create a reality that relates positively with Mother Nature and contributes to the well-being of the next generations. Let’s engage with each other and do something good today, for which we will be grateful for tomorrow.
This information comes from the website of Tomorrowland.