Humanity’s Team is a global spiritual movement whose purpose is to embody the timeless truth of Oneness, which is essential for responding to the world’s most chronic and acute challenges, and vital for creating a sustainable world of peace and harmony. We believe Oneness is the energy of love that lies within and connects all of life, allowing us to recognize ourselves in everything. Supported by our profound respect for cultural diversity and responsibility for all of life, we pledge to transform the face of humanity in one generation through living our lives with purpose, each being a loving presence, developing heart-centered personal transformation and leadership programs, and the mindful use of the 5 Steps to Peace.
We in Humanity’s Team see a healing truth in who we are — a truth that heals ourselves, our relationships, our communities and our world. We see that we are all part of the Divine and one with all of life.
This is not a new idea. Prophets, messengers, saints and sages have shared this message since the beginning of time. It is shared in the Indian Vedas, in the Old and New Testaments, in most other sacred texts. Oneness is also a hypothesis by quantum physicists and other scientists who say life is a unified whole with multiple dimensions, each complementing the other.
We Are All One is the one idea that truly changes everything. When we see the Divine and Self in each other, we cannot help but nurture, love and support the other. When we embrace and embody our Oneness, we naturally care for the other person, place or thing. The Divine and Self are in all of the other, so nothing is left out…
All human beings are born creators. If you don’t believe me, I urge you to recall when you were a child. Didn’t you love to paint and dance and sing? Didn’t you love to indulge in imaginary worlds you conjured up in your head? Children are naturally creative. It’s one of the things that makes us human. The problem is we’ve been cultured out of our creativity as we’ve grown older. The problem is we have been educated.
The education system is due for a major paradigm shift. For too long, it has been stuck in the dark ages. Teachers still stand at the front of the classroom and deliver information, much of it meaningless in the whole scheme of things. Schools encourage competition, conformity, obedience and standardization, while also engaging in the suppression of our natural, creative impulses and critical thinking faculties. Children are moulded and conditioned via the factory model of education to be unquestioning worker bees in a system that does not care for human progress. As a result, our species is stagnating. In order to reach the next stage of our evolution, the education system must undergo a revolution of its own…
Read the rest of the article by Will Stanton in Shift.
The first of these six dimensions focuses on helping children connect with who they are, and aims to nurture each child’s passions and talents so that they may reach their highest potential as creators.
This dimension is about teaching children how to think instead of what to think, how to discern information critically, and how to conduct their own investigations to find the answers they’re looking for.
The Sustainability dimension is about reconnecting with the earth, immersing our children in nature, teaching them real life skills, and showing them how to look after their health and well-being.
This fourth dimension is about encouraging students to think outside the box to come up with creative ideas and solutions, defying conventionality, and fostering collaboration instead of competition in the classroom.
This dimension looks at children’s overall social development, and aims to teach them how to cultivate healthy relationships, and how to manage their emotions in order to minimize conflict both internally and externally.
The sixth dimension aims to show children the value of real human connection in their lives, by uniting students through a sense of community, encouraging acts of kindness, and adopting a holistic, planetary philosophy.
The Parliament of the World’s Religions was created to cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world.
To accomplish this, we invite individuals and communities who are equally invested in attaining this goal.
Our Vision
The vision of the Parliament of the World’s Religions is of a just, peaceful and sustainable world in which:
Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion.
Religious and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect.
People everywhere come to know and care for their neighbors.
The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life.
The world’s most powerful and influential institutions move beyond narrow self-interest to realize common good.
The Earth and all life are cherished, protected, healed and restored.
All people commit to living out their highest values and aspirations.
Compassion Games International offers fun and creative ways to ignite and catalyze compassionate action in communities around the world. In the five annual Compassion Games, competition becomes coopetition as teams and individuals challenge one another to strive together to make our planet a better place to live through community service, acts of kindness, and raising monies for local causes. The Games amplify what is already working in our communities and inspires increased engagement, leading to new activities that bring compassion to life and improve our well-being.
CGI 2015 Timeline-2The Compassion Games adapt creatively to any community who wants to embrace and play them. Since 2012, players of the Compassion Games have served over 1,500,000 people in 34 countries by more than 400,000 volunteer players. The Games have been played between cities, businesses, faith and interfaith organizations, schools, and even prisons. Participating teams in the Compassion Games perform acts of kindness and service, reporting on the number of volunteers, hours of service, money raised for local causes, and the number of people served, providing measurable results that can be improved upon, year after year…
Many of the so-called modern democracies still run the same way they did almost two centuries ago: as citizens we only get to interact with the political system once every couple of years. In an era where online access starts to become commonplace around the world, we are aware of how the internet changed the way we work, communicate and relate with each other. But politics and governments haven’t changed at all. So we set out to find a reliable way to hack the system.
Our first step was to create an open source, free software with an easy user experience for citizens to get informed, debate and vote on every single bill presented in Congress. DemocracyOS evolved to become one of the most used platforms for collaborative decision-making and it got translated into 15 languages…
«We are 21st century citizens doing our best to interact with 19th century
designed institutions that are based on an information technology of the 15th century.»
Pia Mancini – The DemocracyOS at TED Global 2014
This information comes from the website of DemocracyOS.
openDemocracy is an independent global media platform publishing up to 60 articles a week and attracting over 8 million visits per year.
Through reporting and analysis of social and political issues, openDemocracy seeks to challenge power and encourage democratic debate across the world. With human rights as our central guiding focus, we ask tough questions about freedom, justice and democracy.
We give those fighting for their rights the agency to make their case and to inspire action…
This information comes from the website of openDemocracy.
WaterSeer™ will create water self-sufficiency, and will be a transformative force for good throughout the world.
It is hard to imagine a day without an abundance of clean, safe water. We drink our fill, shower and bathe daily, water our lawns, wash our clothes and dishes knowing that clean, safe water is an unquestioned condition of our lives. Yet, throughout the world today, one in three people do not have the daily minimum, 7.1 cups of water needed to survive. Worldwide, a child dies every 90 seconds for lack of clean drinking water, nearly 1000 a day. Daily nearly 10,000 people die from dehydration and waterborne disease.
WaterSeer™ eliminates this chronic and tragic burden by providing access to clean, safe drinking water, right where people live, by extracting water directly from the air.
WaterSeer™ condenses pure water from the air without power or chemicals. It is green, sustainable, simple, low-maintenance, easily deployed and scalable for any community. VICI-Labs worked with UC Berkeley and the National Peace Corps Association to develop a device that yields up to 37 liters of pure water a day! A WaterSeer™ Orchard will provide enough clean water for an entire community.
This information comes from the website of WaterSeer.
GNH is a much richer objective than GDP or economic growth.
In GNH, material well-being is important but it is also important to enjoy sufficient well-being in things like community, culture, governance, knowledge and wisdom, health, spirituality and psychological welfare, a balanced use of time, and harmony with the environment.
GNH: Concept
Gross National Happiness is a term coined by His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the 1970s. The concept implies that sustainable development should take a holistic approach towards notions of progress and give equal importance to non-economic aspects of wellbeing. The concept of GNH has often been explained by its four pillars: good governance, sustainable socio-economic development, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation. Lately the four pillars have been further classified into nine domains in order to create widespread understanding of GNH and to reflect the holistic range of GNH values. The nine domains are: psychological wellbeing, health, education, time use, cultural diversity and resilience, good governance, community vitality, ecological diversity and resilience, and living standards. The domains represents each of the components of wellbeing of the Bhutanese people, and the term ‘wellbeing’ here refers to fulfilling conditions of a ‘good life’ as per the values and principles laid down by the concept of Gross National Happiness.
This information comes from the website of Gross National Happiness.