Warka Tower is designed to harvest water from the atmosphere (rain, fog, dew)

Warka Tower is designed to harvest water from the atmosphere (rain, fog, dew)

It is a passive structure, it functions only by natural phenomena such as gravity, condensation & evaporation. Easy to maintain it is operated autonomously by the villagers. The design depends on the local environment: meteorological conditions, site geomorphological characteristics, local indigenous culture, natural materials available.

This information comes from the website of Warka Water.

SOURCE – It’s Within You

SOURCE – It’s Within You

Discover the Mind’s Extraordinary Potential to Influence the Body.

How do we, as humans, have the ability to heal ourselves both physiologically and mentally? How does meditation change the body?

Never-before-seen scientific data reveals how the power of our thoughts can shape every aspect of our lives, from the tiniest molecules to our overall well-being. Discover powerful Stories of Transformation from individuals who changed their lives in the process of reaching a greater level of awareness and healing.

For the first time in the history of meditation studies, scientists have discovered something profound happening inside someone’s body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is practiced.

Powered by InnerScience Research Fund, this powerful film celebrates Dr Joe Dispenza’s work, a global community, and the research being conducted by a team of dedicated scientists.

This documentary proves the incredible potential that lives within us. It has the power to inspire, educate, and empower, aligning in perfect synergy with InnerScience’s mission and vision.

This information comes from the website of Source.

100% renewable by 2030 – the tidal opportunity

100% renewable by 2030 – the tidal opportunity

In the Faroe Islands, Minesto is part of one of the world’s most ambitious energy transition schemes – to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030. Collaborating with local electric utility company SEV, Minesto is working to pave the way for tidal energy to become a core part of the Faroese energy mix. Minesto and SEV have a collaboration agreement including a power purchase agreement, through which SEV commits to purchase the electricity generated by Minesto’s tidal kite systems.

This information comes from the website of Minesto.



Damanhur is a living laboratory for the Future, a Federation of spiritual communities, and a worldwide movement that inspires the lives of thousands of people committed to leaving a positive mark on the world.

The six hundred citizens who live there have created a multilingual society, open to exchanges with the world and the different cultures of peoples. Many other Damanhurians live worldwide and support the Federation’s ideals and projects.

Damanhur was founded from the inspiration of Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi (1950-2013). His enlightened and pragmatic vision, shared by many others, created a fertile reality based on solidarity, sharing, art and culture, mutual love, and respect for Life and every being.

This information comes from the website of Damanhur.

World’s first thermal energy storage

World’s first thermal energy storage

Brenmiller Energy provides sustainable thermal energy storage solutions. Green heat storage that enables renewable and clean energy in industry, residences, and power plants.

bGen™ is a patented high-temperature thermal energy storage unit stored in solid state material [crushed rocks]. Charged electrically or thermally and delivers steam or hot air on demand.​ This sustainable TES technology enables emission reduction for power plants, industrial and commercial facilities.

This information comes from the website of Brenmiller Energy.


The End of Alzheimer’s

The End of Alzheimer’s

“Alzheimer’s is not a simple disease”, says Bredesen. He refers to the fact that, a hundred years ago, people were dying from “simple illnesses”. Most of these diseases—tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia, hepatitis, etc.—were infectious. Such illnesses are caused by one organism. There is one bacterium, virus, or parasite which is the target. Bredesen: “The great success of 20th century medicine is that between public health policies and antibiotics most of these diseases have been conquered.”

Today, people die from “complex chronic degenerative illnesses”: cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more. In these diseases, cells and organs increasingly deteriorate and die over time. “The problem is that we use the same strategy to treat these diseases as we have successfully used with the simple infectious diseases,” says Bredesen. Conventional medicine is searching for one drug to cure Alzheimer’s—a degenerative disease that is caused by lifestyle and environmental circumstances in which many different factors play a role.

Read the whole article in The End of Alzheimer’s in Apollo Health.


‘I Love Life’: Why These People Claim to Be the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s Disease

CBN’s health correspondent interviewed Dr. Dale Bredesen and two of the seven survivors featured in his new book “The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s.” In the article ‘I Love Life’: Why These People Claim to Be the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s Disease, Julie and Sally discussed their successful battle against Alzheimer’s despite a sense of hopelessness after diagnosis. Their realization, that they could do something, led to a search for solutions. They ultimately discovered Dr. Bredesen and his protocol for preventing and reversing cognitive decline. This led to the reversal of their symptoms and prevented further deterioration, vastly improving their quality of life and overall health.

This information comes from the website of Apollo Health.

Watch the full interview here:



KAMP SOLUTIONS presents solutions journalism

KAMP SOLUTIONS presents solutions journalism

In a world where problems consistently dominate the news headline, Kamp Solutions stands out with a complete focus on solutions.

A magazine with a simple mission: fast-tracking solutions for people and planet. Because stories drive innovation and solve problems.

Kamp’s special reports have profiled many fascinating people including the first pioneers who built bridges between ancient traditions to modern medicine. His interviews with world leaders from all walks of life are a chronicle of his “scoop” interviews. Pioneers that include Sir Richard Branson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Deepak Chopra, Rosamund Stone Zander, Johan Rockstrom, among many others.

This information comes from the website of KAMP SOLUTIONS.

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food, animal feed and health products, and in addition, have wide ranging industrial applications. Seaweed can grow faster than any land plant and requires neither fresh water, nor fertilization for cultivation.

As food, one can compare seaweed and kelp with fruits and vegetables. The different sea vegetables have many different flavors, characteristics, textures and colors, and differ from each other in the same way as apples, pumpkins and herbs.

This information comes from the website of Norwegian Seaweed Association.

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